Your satisfaction with our products is our number-one goal! If after receiving your item you determine that it was not what you expected, simply contact us within 30 days of the original item delivery date for a return authorization number and return instructions. Once we receive the returned item, we will verify the item's condition and issue a refund.
In order to qualify for a full product refund, customer is responsible for returning the unit to our warehouse, the item must be returned in like-new condition, in the original retail box with all parts, accessories, etc. Shipping charges are not refundable in for any returns.
Return Policies
No return for 30 days old purchase.
No return for any software products
No return for any consumable parts orders, such as blade, cable etc.
No shipping cost refund in any case.
Important Notice about free shipping items:
There are some conditions apply, including but not limited to:
1. Free shipping promotion is only for our selected items.
2. In the event of returns the items with free shipping promotion, the regular shipping cost will also be deducted from the total original purchase value.