The Brother CV3440 Cover Stitch allows you to create a wide range of cover stitches on many types and weights of fabric for both decorative and constructive applications. It features single sided tri-cover stitches, wide cover stitches, and narrow cover stitches as well as the chain stitch. Other highlights include a large work space, free arm, thread cutter, LED light, color coded easy looper threading, and snap on feet. The adjustment dials for stitch length and differential feed are now conveniently located on the right-hand side of the machine. With 3 needles and one looper thread, the CV3440 can create professional hems, chain stitching, and decorative stitching.
Whether the situation calls for a chain stitch, wide cover stitch or a triple top cover stitch, this new lineup of Brother Cover Stitch machines can provide you the finishing touches you need whether hemming, binding, topstitching or adding decorative effects.
Three-needle, four-thread reinforced cover stitch. Perfect for hemming, decorative effects, elastic and durable seams for sportswear.
Two-needle, three-thread cover stitch. Ideal for hemming, topstitching and decorative effects on T-shirts and knits.
Two-needle, three-thread cover stitch. Optimal for hemming on fine fabrics, tape binding and topstitching.
Two-needle, three-thread cover stitch. Optimal for hemming on fine fabrics, tape binding and topstitching.